October 12 2014:- Thanksgiving Sunday Was a perfect day for flying with cloudless skies and light winds. Even though a lot of the set-up tables and equipment had been stowed for the winter, quite a few made it out for that last few flights before building season is upon us.
September 8: Was one of those idyllic days for model flying (light Southerly winds and temperatures in the mid twenty's). All the regular retires were there. Hank was having some issues with the Saito in his Pawnee but found the solution and managed several nice flights. By that time the wind was out of the south and and a cross field landing was called for.
Hank remarked that it was rather freaky landing straight at the spot where he stood
Not much chance of an over-shoot here!
Yours Truly was even encouraged to log a flight on an old Platt SE5 from a Topflight kit. The first one for at least 10 years. Happy to report that all went amazingly well. The plane is under powered with its Webra 40T 4 cycle. Certainly under powered, but the sound was ever so sweet.
Safely back on the ground after a very long flight
July 11: Another perfect day and there were several new planes tearing holes in the sky; including Alfie's new masterpiece.
We finally saw the bomb drop. It just required a little video magic and some slow motion.
Great Landing!
June 16: Was overcast with moderate winds and a threat of rain in the air; not the best conditions for flying scale model airplanes. but Hank was there with his trustworthy Norseman which he built about 25 years ago.
The model is from a Unionville Hobbies Norseman semi scale kit. Hank modified the plans to more closely resemble the full scale airplane. The color-scheme he chose is of a plane which is at the National Aircraft museum in Ottawa.
The Noorduyn Norseman is a Canadian single-engine bush plane designed to operate from unimproved surfaces. The partial streamlining of the landing gear, in the form of two small "wings" extending from the lower fuselage, is a distinctive feature of the design which makes it easily recognizable.
Originally introduced in 1935, the Norseman remained in production for almost 25 years with over 900 produced. A number of examples remain in commercial and private use to this day. Norseman aircraft are known to have been registered and/or operated in 68 countries throughout the world and also have been based and flown in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
Watch a short video of the model flying at our field on June 16.
This model was constructed from a Unionville Hobbies kit more than 20 years ago and was modified by the builder to more closely resemble the original aircraft which is on display at the National Air Museum in Ottawa Canada
Those changes are principally confined to the tail surfaces and landing gear strut arrangement as well as the cowl shape
The wing panels are attached with bolts at the fuselage sides where the shear loads are reacted, the wing bending moments are carried by the wing struts, just like the full size airplane
June 11:A beautiful day at the field: the weather couldn't have been much better, but unfortunately there was no one there to witness the unplanned maiden flight of my new 120 size FW-190 (Butcher Bird).
May 31:A beautiful day at the field: the weather couldn't have been much better. The forecast was predicting light winds of 5 to 6 miles per hour but it was blowing a gale when I arrived at 10:30 AM. It was from the North East and blowing directly across the main runway so everyone was using the short one at 90 degrees. Things improved during the course of the day and before long it swung around lining . I logged 5 10 minute flights on my old fateful Sterling Stearman. The first one ended in a dead-stick landing but as I was in a good position when the engine quit the landing was pretty much perfect on the center of the runway. The engine was determined to have been running too lean and I was advised to flush the needle valve assembly and install a new glow plug, after performing these procedures the engine ran much better on subsequent flights.
May 24: The field is up and running for the season with a few soft areas in the parking lot marked and should be avoided. The runway is a trifle spongy but for a plane with at least 3-1/2 inch wheels take-offs and landings are no problem. Using a GoPro on-board camera I recorded this clip.
Here is an interesting project I came across recently, which should be of interest to most who remember those times in the mid to late 1950's when the country was feeling very proud of its new Avro Arrow Interceptor.
Dollar Store Foam Board CF 105 Arrow

Published on Jul 14, 2012
From Google Sketchup to pdf planc, here is my foamboard scratchbuild of the Canadian CF-105 Avro Arrow.
This maiden flight was with a Grayson Hobby Brushless Microjet V3, a 6x4 prop and a 1300mAh Lipo battery. Weighs approx. 14oz. without the battery.
It probably would work just as well with a 70 mm electric duct-ed fan unit.
Plans available,
Updated Specifications,
Length: 45"
Wingspan: 30"
Motor: NTM Prop Drive 28-36 2700KV
ESC: 50A
Prop: 6x4
Servos: 3x HXT900, 9g
Copyright 2012
Created by Cory Duczek http://www.youtube.com/user/RCPrairieFlyyer
Plans designed for 5mm foamboard Wingspan: 30 inches Length: 45 inches
▪ Assemble all the main wing pieces, elevons and score the nose to accept the downward angle in step 2.
▪ Do not cut out the motor mount slots until step 4.
▪ As preferred, install any carbon rod supports.
Step 2
▪ Install side panels.
Step 3
▪ Assemble motor mount.
Step 4
▪ Install previous assembled motor mount.
▪ Use this opportunity to center the motor and propeller with slot.
Note: Center of Gravity will be near the motor mount.
Step 5
▪ Install the front cover and rudder.
Step 6
▪ Install the rear cover.
Step 7
▪ Install the KFm2 airfoils.
Step 8
▪ Assemble the nose and canopy and then to complete, install them onto the plane.
Avro Arrow
Avro Arrow
The plans include 15 sheets of patterns to aid with the construction.
September 11 was a hot and windy day at the field and Hank brought his big Cessna Bird Dog along for a change of pace from his J-3 Cub and the Piper Pawnee crop-duster
The Cessna L-19/O-1 Bird Dog was a liaison and observation aircraft. It was the first all-metal fixed-wing aircraft ordered for and by the United States Army since the U.S. Army Air Forces separated from the Army in 1947, becoming its own branch of service, the U.S. Air Force. The Bird Dog had a lengthy career in the U.S. military, as well as in other countries
July was the month for warbirds at the field. Alfie and Cal with their Jugs and P-40's often flew together creating an awesome spectacle.
June 27th 2013 was a very hot day at our field, we missed most of the action because I arrived too late when the gang were packing up and calling it a day. John was there with his electric heli and his foamie electric stunter.
June 21st 2013 was a busy day at our field with lots of interesting models: including a Loening Amphibian; Giant scale P 47 and P 40; Piper Pawnee; Boeing PT 17; Giant Cap 232;and, a 120 size Zero plus stunt and sport flying models even a fleet of electric helis. Couldn't think of a better way for a bunch of model aircraft enthusiasts to celebrate the Summer solstice.
Seen at the Field 10 June 2013
Seen at the Field 31 May 2013
Dave's Beautiful New Gas Powered Citabria
Seen at the Field 27 May 2013
Scale PBY Canso/Catalina flies like a dream with its twin electric motors
No we don't have a new concrete runway; that's Jack's scale Spitfire in Polish squadron markings, sitting on the picnic table with a quarter coin in foreground for scale comparison. The full house model is so complicated that it features a four bladed propeller and three axis stabilization gyros for the ultimate in flying realism. Jack is working on retracts.
Send us your photos, videos, construction projects, or anything you think would be interesting to our
visitors and we will post them here, on this page.
Seen at the Field 02 May 2013
Submitted by David 02 October 2012
Picnic Airshows
TGIF at the Field, Friday 23 rd. Sept. 2011
Diamond Twin Flight
Diamond Twin
Hank Sims tells us- "I was lucky enough to get a half hour ride in this plane, a Diamond twin engine. I met the owner, Curt, while visiting family in Hastings Mich. this May. I actually flew it for a short while. I was surprised to see it had a joystick not a wheel. Some fun"
Seen at the Field Tuesday July 5
th 2011:-
Seen at the Field Monday June 27th 2011:-
Confessions of an Ancient Modeler:-

I’ve been interested in Model Aircraft, for a number of years; approximately 70, if my memory is still accurate. In 1942, when I was 7, the Govt. built an airport and opened a training base for pilots near my town. It was “basic training” and consisted of Tiger Moths, Cornells and Ansons (Mk V). At any time of the day “we” (myself and two friends) could look up and see numerous aircraft in the “circuit” which, depending on the wind, took them over the town. The “WAR” was on and we listened each day to the news and to radio programs like “L for Lanky” (1) which depicted the adventures of a Lancaster Crew on various bombing missions. On a Saturday night, with the lights turned down, we were mesmerized by the drone of the engines and the chatter of the crew, and flew with them to various “targets” in Europe. My Uncle had a pile of lumber that we were allowed to re-arrange and this (with a little imagination and a few cardboard boxes) became all manner of aircraft in which we “flew” countless successful missions.
The closest we got to models in those days were those on the back of cereal boxes.
We were constantly on the search for ways to consume more cereal. My cousin was fortunate in that they had a dog that would eat corn flakes. I not being so lucky, had to invent other ways. You may be interested to know that you can get almost twice the amount into a bowl if you let them soak for a few minutes in the milk. This is accomplished by washing your hands (of course) before sitting down and neglecting to turn off the tap, whereupon my father (who I am sure was onto my game) would decree that I was not to have a spoonful until I had attended to said tap. The return trip to the bathroom could take several minutes, and by that time you could replenish the level of cornflakes in the bowl. Shreddies, of course, were a whole different ball game.
By 1948 “we” were into models in a big way. I was 13 with a bicycle and a job delivering parcels for a store, which paid $5 a week. We had persuaded the local drug store to get model magazines, and waited impatiently for each issue of “Flying Models” “Model Airplane News” and “Air Trails”. Initially we built gliders and rubber powered. In those days when someone referred to the “size of a motor” they meant “how many strands of T-56”. Kits consisted of sheets of balsa with the shape of formers etc. stamped onto them. Cutting out these parts was an art in itself and by the time you finished one sheet of ribs etc. you usually had so many “Band-Aids” on your fingers that you could not hold the razor blade (double edged). We eventually developed our own version of the Xacto knife by gluing half of a blade between two Popsicle sticks which were then wrapped with thread. Glue was called "Balsa Cement".
It was a clear cellulose product, and was easy to sand, although about later, Testors came out with Formula A and Formula B and there was mention in the magazines of some new adhesive called “epoxy”. The covering was silkspan, jap tissue, bamboo paper, or silk (if you could afford it), applied with banana oil or dope and shrunk with water.
It took us a while to get on to the water bit, and it happened quite by accident. It was summer, and we were building in my cousin’s garage. The flies were particularly bad, probably because we had been cleaning fish there the day before. There was, back then, a product called “Flytox” which was mixed with water and applied by means of a hand operated sprayer (Flit Gun) to the surrounding area and hopefully said flies. My cousin was not having the best of days and at one point the flies got the better of him. He grabbed the sprayer and filled the air with “Flytox”. When his rage had subsided (he ran out of spray) we discovered that he had literally soaked his latest model which had been sitting innocently at the end of the bench. The plane looked like a starving horse with the silkspan dripping wet. We wiped it off as best we could and decided to wait ‘till next day to see what could be salvaged. I was at his door by 8:00 A.M. and we proceeded to the garage to view the expected disaster. To our astonishment the model had been transformed into a thing of beauty. The covering was “drum tight” and even most of the flies were dead. It was obvious that the spray had tightened the covering, and we used it on a number of successive planes before we discovered that it was actually the water that caused the tissue to shrink.
It was around this time that I mustered enough courage (and money) to send for a “1/2 A Flying Outfit” consisting of a Berkley Puddle Jumper and an Anderson Spitfire .045, with the new Ray Arden "glo-plug, plus all accessories. The cost was $7.75 U.S. plus shipping and my Mother predicted that I would never receive it.

After what seemed an eternity of checking the post office each day and much to Mother’s disappointment, the coveted package arrived. The plane was a 19 in. U Control, and the engine (notice I did not say motor) was a thing of beauty. We read and re-read the instructions only to discover that “all accessories” did not include a surprising number of items necessary for operation. The closest source of said items was Ottawa, but it might just as well been the moon. Then the Gods smiled upon us. A new arrival at school heard of our aeronautical endeavors and introduced himself. His father built model boats and not only knew of, but made frequent trips to, Hobby Shops in Ottawa. The son was keen to try model airplanes and assured us that if he were admitted to the “Club”, (we now called ourselves a club) his father could pick up needed supplies on his trips to Ottawa. “Admit him?” hell; we made him President.
Within a matter of days/weeks I had glo fuel (Ohlsson & Rice) and a 1 ½ volt battery along with a 6x3 prop. The “spitfire” was mounted on a piece of wood clamped in a vise, which we had in our basement, and the “break-in” commenced. After many days of flipping the prop, and several batteries, it suddenly roared to life. The smell of burned castor oil, and the sound, oh! that sound. I can still hear it if I close my eyes. It almost drowned out my Mother’s screams as she flew down the basement stairs convinced that the house was on fire. I was oblivious to her commands to “turn that damn thing off” and would have endured the “wrath of God” before doing so: though by now my Mother’s was running a close second. The engine ran out of fuel at about the same time as my Mother ran out of breath and she retreated back up the stairs predicting severe damage to my anatomy when my Father returned. Needless to say all subsequent running took place outside.
ow that we had “mastered” the engine (the plane had been completed) we proceeded to attempt to fly “U- control”. We had achieved limited success with our gliders and rubber powered planes, and the prospect of “hands on control” was fascinating. At first we tried hand launching over tall grass, but this was not as easy as we hoped. Our initial flights were measured in degrees rather than laps, and a complete lap was rarely achieved. It was at this point that someone (I forget who) came up with the idea of taking off from a sheet of “masonite” propped up at one end. This proved to be the answer and we were soon able to stay airborne for the duration of a tank of fuel. By now all four of us had planes and we flew from the school grounds on weekends.
We learned of and joined MAAC, (my # is 592) and by 1953 were building gas powered free flights, and flying from the now abandoned airport . Some of my fondest recollections are of a plane called a Zenith built from plans and powered by an .099 Cub. On warm summer evenings it would “take off” from the runway climb to about 400 feet and then glide down to land (if I was lucky) on the pavement. We never managed to get to Radio Control. It was well beyond our resources, but we read of it in the magazines and actually got to see one at a contest .
By 1954 it was all over. My three friends and I graduated from High School and went our separate ways. I did not renew my interest in modeling until 1982 when I was preparing for retirement (in 1990).
My Model Aircraft 28 year hiatus spared me from having to suffer through the various stages of RC equipment development. Single channel with rubber powered escapements and electric driven actuators, 4 function reeds, analogue pulse rudder and 3 function galloping ghost, to name just a few
Babcock Single Channel (Circa 1955)
Thought to be relatively reliable for it's time the receiver powered a relay which in turn the escapement 1 pulse right rudder 2 pulses for left
You can imagine my amazement when I purchased a copy of RCM. My first radio was a Royal Classic purchased from Art Large, and my trainer was a Bud Barkley Cessna. I eventually learned to “fly?” with the help and patience of numerous people and progressed (?) from there to the present.

My prime interest is in Scale and I have, of late, ventured into the realm of electrics.
The writing of this epistle has unlocked my memory and brought back numerous incidents in addition to the ones I have shared. The senior modelers among you will understand my nostalgia and, I hope, recall that special day when they finally “got everything right” and their model actually flew.
(1). 6.iii.L FOR LANKY: The radio drama exploits of a Lancaster bomber
The CBC radio programme, "L for Lanky," was a very imaginative program which many of us remember fondly from our childhoods. "L for Lanky" means the Lancaster bomber that was the central figure in the show. It was about a WWII flight crew and their adventures going out on raids with this bomber -- but the "narrator" of the program was the Lancaster bomber itself. The plane was given a voice and a personality, and it began each show setting up the premise, in a slightly echoed voice with airplane sound behind it, and it always started out by saying "I'm L for Lanky. I'm a Lancaster bomber....." And on it went from there, setting up that week's story and then the regular actors as airmen took over. The voice of Lanky was played by an actor named Herb Gott. A great example of how well radio tapped into the theatre of the mind - one simply bought the premise without question. Otherwise they were standard WW2 air adventures. Apparently most of the ETs were destroyed after the war and apparently there is little evidence of the show in the CBC archives. There are rumours of excerpts still in existence.
Suggested by Sam Levene and George Coppen
"Air Force Fans also had their own wartime show, a drama " L For Lanky" sponsored by the Canadian Marconi Company, written by Don Bassett, and produced by Alan Savage. Again true war stories were implanted on a fictional bomber "L For Lanky. This show was almost as successful as "Fighting Navy" and included in the cast were Jack Fuller, Jules Upton, George Murray, Herb Gott, Art Martin and Vincent Tovell."
From Coast To Coast, A Personal History Of Radio In Canada by Sandy Stewart
Alfie's P47 Rips up the Sky :-
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