Member's Activities:-
March 21st
March 21st
Canada Bans Drones??
I was just wondering what our members think about the latest rules (Laws) that our Transport Minister has come up with concerning the the use of RC flying in Canada?
Here is what others are saying:
From RC Forum
It appears that Canada has gone full retard.
The new law, which applies to any drone (but worded so that it actually applies to ALL RC) that wieghs more than 250 grams (so basically all of them but the cheapest toy grades) and bans:
Flying within 9km of any airport (so pretty much no flying in or around any city ever)
Flying within 9 km of anyplace else a manned aircraft could theoretically land (which would include any empty field that a helicopter could fit in)
Flying more than 90 meters high (no more flying over trees or hills)
Flying within 75 meters of ANY structure, vehicle, vessel, person (including presumably yourself or your own home or vehicle) or ANIMAL ( and it makes no distinction what kind so it would include squirrels and birds)
Flying more than 500 meters away
At night
In clouds, or anywhere they think you can't see it
Over any forest fire, "emergency response scene (undefined)," or controlled airspace
And you must put your entire name, address, and phone number on the drone
So basically they have banned flying any RC aircraft wieghing more than 250 grams anywhere in Canada except at "approved fields." Hope you like high resolution footage of an empty field, because that is all you are allowed to get now if you fly in Canada.
October 7th
The beautiful weather never seems to end for me; it must be what they call "The Endless Summer". The great flying with 20 C temperatures and 5 K winds gave me an unexpected opportunity to put a couple of old birds into the air that have been with me far too long (one for more than 50 years). I have been making changes to them over the years and just wanted to give them one more chance at flight.
July 24 th
Another beautiful day a for flying (24 C) and 5 K winds made for plenty of good flying.
July 5 th
Beautiful weather a little too hot if anything (31 C) and plenty of good flying.
Check out the video to view the action.
June 18th
The Club's AGM was held at the Field at Noon after the members finished their flying session.
May 24th
April 8th
Only one more drone flying night to go this season. Everyone who attended had a lot of fun at these flying sessions. Kudos to Andre for making it all happen.
March 31th
March 17th
Published on Mar 18, 2016 Thursday night is flying time at St Mark Church's basement. It was a chance to get some stick time before the club's field opens for the 2016 season.
March 10th:-
Winter's over and getting to the end of our indoor flying season. Tonight we tested a new miniature drone; measuring only 4 inches across instead of the usual 12 inch size. Couldn't believe how small it actually was; when I ordered it online I was thinking I was getting the regular 12 inch size, but the price of 30 dollars should have been the tip-off. The good news is; it flies as well as the others.
February 25:-
Published on Feb 26, 2016 Thursday Nights are our regular time to get some welcomed stick time in. There was a higher than usual turnout of helicopters which showed just how much more demanding of piloting skills ??? they are than the quad-copters. Category People & Blogs
February 4:-
January 28:-
A small group of members enjoyed a night of indoor flying at our new venue. The location conveniently situated in central Ottawa is suitable for small drones and helicopters and can accommodate up to 4 flyers in the air at one time.
December 5:-
Warbirds over Sarasota Weekend, for those of us spending some time in Florida might be a good bet for some RC excitement. We met up with a modeler while visiting in the Ponta Gorda area who gave us a tip-off about the big event planned for this weekend. The weather is not looking too good at this point but judging from past years it could be worth seeing.
The slide show!
The Club
SRQ 2015 Playlist
September 24:-
Drone flying using the Mission Planner App revealed a possible problem with the official co-ordinates posted on the club's homepage and found that these co-ordinates place our field in the middle of Copperfield Golf Course.
Further the corrected co-ordinates are 45°27'16.5312", -076°03'13.9536" expressed in seven figure accuracy.
September 17:-
Seen at the field
August 29:-
Club Members recently put on an impressive flying demonstration at the Carp Airport's Fly-in breakfast.
All photos of this event are courtesy of Les Horn. Thanks Les!
Check out the club's new Youtube channel
July 03 2015:- Always a great day, perhaps it's because it is my birthday. Lots of activity at the field.
June 24 2015:- Another good flying day just a bit windy with a stiff cross wind but not bad enough to deter Alfie from doing a very successful maiden on his new Robarts limited edition giant P-47 which I managed to just miss by a matter of minutes. I did get to see Cal however, do some amazing flying with his beautiful Corsair.
June 19 2015:-Some more pictures of the roof raising for our new giant sun shade structure.
June 4 2015:-This was a perfect day for flying with about a 10 KPH wind with moderate Gusts. The first nice day since a week of constant high winds and cool temperatures. The day was a work and play session with good progress being made on our new shelter by the construction crew (thanks Dave). The new shelter is at least twice as big as the old one and should last many years due to its sturdy construction.
After the work was over it was time to play. I didn't wait for the work to windup but attempted a flight with my Unionville Hobbies Beaver and for that I got my just reward. The Beaver spiralled in from 100 meters (cause still under investigation). Hank thinks it ran out of fuel because the tank was empty when we picked up the pieces.
May 3 2015:- The weather was near perfect with light winds and warm sunny weather. The field is now open for another flying season and a few members where there adjusting their equipment. The ground is dry and the strip is looking good.
We were playing around with the new Model Field App and were amazed to discover that The Giant Model Rally was in progress at the Stetsons Flyer's field when the Google Earth picture was snapped.
Screen shot of the Model Field Finder App.
Close up view of the action showing lots of giant models scattered around and a pilot on the flight line.
We were blown away to find a model in flight away out in the boonies. If you look at the next picture up you can even see the pilot at the flight line. Wonder who it was?
January 1 2015:- Could you share where you got the 4 blade prop/spinner and cockpit kit from? Just finishing my TF P51. Cheers - Dom
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