Member's Activities:-
January 17 2021
January 17 2021
Winter is upon us and it's time to consider virtual flying. Just purchased Real Flight Trainer version at Steam so that when Summer finally arrives we will be ready to try our hand at the real thing.
August 7 2020
Sean O'keefe says that he has access of a DJI Phantom Drone this summer and he has been busy shooting pictures of the Club's Field and he has kindly sent a sample along for our viewing pleasure.
August 02 ND 2020
We received a nice newsy Email from Pierre Deguire one old members who now flies out of the Cornwall RC Field. Pierre is the builder of that fabulous looking B-25 that has been listed on our Trading Post Page for a number of years, looking for a new home. Well apparently it has found a new home and the current owner is Jeff Mitchell who is also president of the Cornwall Aeromodelers and has kindly allowed us to publish the pictures of her as she is today. Pierre says that he currently flies Electric Ducted Fans and he will be on the sticks for the B-25's maiden flight.

Pierre and Jeff the new owner during taxi tests Saturday August 8 2020, some issues need resolving before maiden flight
September 04TH 2018
It was cloudy with 60 % chance of rain which never materialized, except for a few drops which came in the late afternoon. That said it was a great day for flying as the winds were light to non existing ( 2 knots with gusts less than 5).
July 11th 2018
Can't say we are a fan of this hot humid weather that we have been having lately, but today the air has finally broken and the winds are light. The turn out was light with only 3 members getting an early start; Tom, Alfie and myself. Tom put on quite a show with his 35 size helicopter; with loops, rolls and inverted flight. Alfie was there when I arrived with his trusty P-40 and an all new Top Flite giant Zero, which is adorned with no less than 17,000 simulated rivets defining the scale panel lines.
June 3rd 2018
Can't say we are a fan of 3 D flying but this demonstration is totally awesome.
January 10th 2018
Was a perfect day for watching Youtube videos.
We learned that people who fly wooden jets should resist the temptation to show off.
November 24th
Was a perfect Autumn day for a Winter building project.
October 21 th
Was a perfect summer day in the Autumn, a day without a cloud in the sky and very little of wind.
July 30th
Was a perfect summer day without a cloud in the sky and barely a breath of wind. A very good turnout of flyers and electrics seem to steal the show. Cal was there with a Mini Avanti that flew and sounded so great that we all thought it was powered by a mini turbine. I want one!
July 23th
Was an overcast day 5/8 to 7/8 at 6000 feet , winds 040 True at 4 knots. We met Mike at the top of the drive, he was just leaving after a successful session of electric flying.
July 6th
We spent the day at the field and were surprised to find that the water has dried up nicely after all the rain that we have been having lately.
June 28th
We spent the day at the field mainly checking our equipment but did managed a takeoff with a light weight PT 20 with large balloon tires. The field was a little soggy in places and that was before 3 days of continuous rain.
March 21st
It was cloudy with 60 % chance of rain which never materialized, except for a few drops which came in the late afternoon. That said it was a great day for flying as the winds were light to non existing ( 2 knots with gusts less than 5).
July 11th 2018
Can't say we are a fan of this hot humid weather that we have been having lately, but today the air has finally broken and the winds are light. The turn out was light with only 3 members getting an early start; Tom, Alfie and myself. Tom put on quite a show with his 35 size helicopter; with loops, rolls and inverted flight. Alfie was there when I arrived with his trusty P-40 and an all new Top Flite giant Zero, which is adorned with no less than 17,000 simulated rivets defining the scale panel lines.
June 3rd 2018
Can't say we are a fan of 3 D flying but this demonstration is totally awesome.
January 10th 2018
Was a perfect day for watching Youtube videos.
We learned that people who fly wooden jets should resist the temptation to show off.
November 24th
Was a perfect Autumn day for a Winter building project.
the victim of
October 21 th
Was a perfect summer day in the Autumn, a day without a cloud in the sky and very little of wind.
Finally success after it was grounded for more than a year due
to a software screw up that set the maximum motor speed to 50 when the
correct value should be 1000. I worked on finding a solution far too
long, then Andre applied his technical skills during a marathon
session one evening and voila, he came up with the
magic key. Just one of the risks of using web based services like
Mission Planner to update your drone's parameters. Another lesson
learned, if it is working leave it alone.
July 30th
Was a perfect summer day without a cloud in the sky and barely a breath of wind. A very good turnout of flyers and electrics seem to steal the show. Cal was there with a Mini Avanti that flew and sounded so great that we all thought it was powered by a mini turbine. I want one!
July 23th
Was an overcast day 5/8 to 7/8 at 6000 feet , winds 040 True at 4 knots. We met Mike at the top of the drive, he was just leaving after a successful session of electric flying.
After a couple
of flights with
my Electric
Beaver we tried
setting up the
120 size Zero.
The Enya
120 4C started
instantly and
ran smoothly
without any need
First time I used this setup structure and I must say that I am
loving it.
Take off
On downwind
landing leg the
Zero's luck
suddenly ran out
and she was last
seen in a terminal
A recce flight with the Beaver failed to locate the
wreckage but after inspecting the video we have a better idea of
where she might be located.
We spent the day at the field and were surprised to find that the water has dried up nicely after all the rain that we have been having lately.
June 28th
We spent the day at the field mainly checking our equipment but did managed a takeoff with a light weight PT 20 with large balloon tires. The field was a little soggy in places and that was before 3 days of continuous rain.
March 21st
Canada Bans Drones??
I was just wondering what our members think about the latest rules
(Laws) that our Transport Minister has come up with concerning the
the use of RC flying in Canada?
Here is what others are saying:
From RC Forum
It appears that Canada has gone full retard. The new law, which
applies to any drone (but worded so that it actually applies to ALL
RC) that weighs more than 250 grams (so basically all of them but
the cheapest toy grades) and bans: Flying within 9 km of any airport
(so pretty much no flying in or around any city ever) Flying within
9 km of anyplace else a manned aircraft could theoretically land
(which would include any empty field that a helicopter could fit in)
Flying more than 90 meters high (no more flying over trees or hills)
Flying within 75 meters of ANY structure, vehicle, vessel, person
(including presumably yourself or your own home or vehicle) or
ANIMAL ( and it makes no distinction what kind so it would include
squirrels and birds) Flying more than 500 meters away At night In
clouds, or anywhere they think you can't see it Over any forest
fire, "emergency response scene (undefined)," or controlled airspace
And you must put your entire name, address, and phone number on the
drone So basically they have banned flying any RC aircraft wieghing
more than 250 grams anywhere in Canada except at "approved fields."
Hope you like high resolution footage of an empty field, because
that is all you are allowed to get now if you fly in Canada.
October 17th
Hank is also enjoying the beautiful weather, flying his big Norseman from the beach up on Georgian Bay. Sent this picture by our new Facebook drop-box. Anyone with a Facebook account can join; just send a request to us at Dunrobin RC Flyers Photo and Video Dropbox
October 7th
The beautiful weather never seems to end for me; it must be what they call "The Endless Summer". The great flying with 20 C temperatures and 5 K winds gave me an unexpected opportunity to put a couple of old birds into the air that have been with me far too long (one for more than 50 years). I have been making changes to them over the years and just wanted to give them one more chance at flight.
Hi fellows. I have recently come across a complete Piney Model Looks in great shape although the covering is alittle saggy If anyone is interested give me a note. Ron Elliott
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